Redux reimplemented in 12 lines of code
By Dale Jefferson. Published
I like to reimplement libraries I use, this allows me to better understand how they work, below is my minimal implementation of Redux.
const createStore = reducer => {
let onChange;
let state = reducer(undefined, {});
return {
getState: () => state,
subscribe: fn => (onChange = fn),
dispatch: action => {
state = reducer(state, action);
This works with the example on the Redux homepage below.
const counter = (state = 0, action) => {
switch (action.type) {
return state + 1;
return state - 1;
return state;
const store = createStore(counter);
store.subscribe(() => console.log(store.getState()));
store.dispatch({type: "INCREMENT"}); // 1
store.dispatch({type: "INCREMENT"}); // 2
store.dispatch({type: "DECREMENT"}); // 1
Obviously this only has a fraction of the real Redux API.